Sweet Vanilla Scrub 50 min

Sweet Vanilla Scrub 50 min

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Sweet Vanilla Scrub 50 min- Begin with a refreshing exfoliation using Round Hill’s signature Sweet
Vanilla and Brown Sugar Scrub, followed by a warm, soothing shower.
Then, surrender to a 20-minute rhythmic moisturizer leaving you
feeling relaxed and rejuvenated from head to toe. You will finish
off your spa treatment feeling tranquil, peaceful and joyful with the
lingering scent of brown sugar and vanilla to keep you feeling content
all day long.
Sweet Vanilla Scrub 50 min- Begin with a refreshing exfoliation using Round Hill’s signature Sweet
Vanilla and Brown Sugar Scrub, followed by a warm, soothing shower.
Then, surrender to a 20-minute rhythmic moisturizer leaving you
feeling relaxed and rejuvenated from head to toe. You will finish
off your spa treatment feeling tranquil, peaceful and joyful with the
lingering scent of brown sugar and vanilla to keep you feeling content
all day long.
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